Jude 1:20-25 (NLT) – Bible Song (Lyric Video) | Beyond All Time!

Today’s verses: But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love. And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.

These verses were taken from today’s Bible reading in The One Year Bible (NLT). Read along with us! Today’s passages are:

Hosea 10:1-14:9
Jude 1:1-25
Psalm 127:1-5
Proverbs 29:15-17

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

A huge THANK YOU to these amazing patrons on Patreon for helping to make this project possible:

Charis Lincoln
Rebecca Ferguson
Charlotte Treadwell
Tom & Liz Bryant
Kay Hoffman
Cheryl Hayes
Susan Canon
Bruce Sydnor
David Treadwell
Alan Johnson
Karen Lim
Brianna Hertzberg
Kyle Reardon
Traci Hines
Stephen Treadwell
Ava Shirley
Dr. Joe Grieco, Jr.
Elizabeth Panos
Pamela Jean Seidel
Dave Davidson

You can help support us on Patreon (and receive MP3s of all our songs!) by clicking here: https://ift.tt/2WB30ES

One girl, one year, 365 new original songs straight from scripture!

Sing Through the Bible is a new YouTube channel where Amy Treadwell Toy will be posting a new original song every day, with lyrics straight from that day’s daily bible reading! All 365 melodies are written by Amy!

Follow along with The One Year Bible by Tyndale: https://ift.tt/2HRqa6u

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Check out Panther and Bunnycat, our channel of funny songs for kids:

Amy’s Personal Channel: http://youtube.com/harmonyaddict
Brandon’s Personal Channel: http://www.youtube.com/songstaforlife
